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Benefits of BJJ
Training BJJ has many benefits from getting into better physical shape to mental toughness.
Featuring world championship teams

Not just for the guys.
"so beyond excited because I just received my blue belt in #brazilianjiujitsu!!!"Demi Lovato
BJJ Frequently Asked Questions.
Do I need to get fit before I start BJJ?
No, start training BJJ and you will get fit.
Do I need any special gear to start?
Not for your first class, however eventually you will have to get yourself a BJJ Kimono/Gi – read our Ultimate guide to BJJ Gear for more information.
What should I take to my first class?
Loose fitting clothes and a drink bottle. Read our first class guide for more details.
Are all gyms the same?
No, you will find many different gyms has different vibes. If you are lucky enough to have several in your area, try them all out until you find one that fits your personality.
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